Coolest Baby Names Whimsical Vintage Inspired Posed Newborn Photography Humboldt-Wynyard-Yorkton-Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Ok, so besides having the best job in the world (I mean…Who wouldn’t want to snuggle and huff newborn babies?? 😉 I also get to meet some really cool people and meet their really cool little babies. And let me tell you, they also have […]
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Adorable Baby Girl Pictures Saskatoon Newborn Photographer Are you ready to see some adorable baby girl pictures? 🙂 Perrie came to see me when she was 8 days old. I just love her and her name. Perrie was named after her grandpa who passed away years ago. Her mommy had a dream when she was […]
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Humboldt SK Newborn Baby Photography by Callie Third Photography I LOVE when friends have a baby. When I found out this awesome couple was having a baby around Christmas time last year, I knew just what I had to do! You see, Addison’s daddy loves, and I mean LOVES to hunt. So I spent a […]
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