Raise your hand if you have an iPhone, computer, digital camera, disc or flash drive full of photos…and possibly all of them. Raise your hand if not one of those has ever been printed. DO YOU HAVE BOTH OF YOUR HANDS UP NOW? Yah, I thought so…..
“Because 20 years from now, the most photographed generation in history will have NO photos!” – Missy Mwac
Think about that for a minute….. When was the last time you printed a picture? Off your phone? Off your fancy digital camera? Are all of your favorite pictures posted to Facebook? Do you even know if Facebook will be around 20 years from now? If that’s the only place you have pictures, what if Facebook just up one day decides to shut down? How in the world would you ever get those cherished pictures back? I’m strongly guessing…you wouldn’t!! That’s a freakin scary thought if you ask me….
Oaklen holding a picture of his grandparents…grandad passed away 20 years ago, so my kids never got the chance to meet him, without pictures he wouldn’t have been able to know what his grandad looked like….
Recently, we were visiting with my mom and dad, and my mom was cleaning out a closet. She brought down a fair sized box and handed it to me. When I opened the box, I was flooded with memories. Memories that she took the time preserve on paper. My kids and I sat on her living room floor going through that box for what seemed like forever (and it was probably pretty close). They asked me so many questions about my childhood, and who people were in the pictures. The trips we went on. The yearly family photo that my parents made sure were taken. I even found my baby album!! I was so overcome with emotion, thinking that someday my kids will want to pick up their baby album or a picture of themselves. To see how they were when they were way too young to remember…..
Picture this…being snuggled up with your baby as a little child, flipping through an album of their baby pictures. I can’t imagine anything else more important than that. And. I know how that feels. I know how it pulls on my heartstrings as I watch my kids delighted faces as they look through pictures of themselves. And the questions they ask about the pictures. How old they were. How little they were. If they cried. And my daughter’s favourite question – mom, was I cute when I was a baby? Pictures that I had taken of them, just for them!
Thankfully, I am not guilty of not printing pictures. Our home is flooded with photos of us and our children. Small frames set out on tables, large canvases and framed groupings on our walls. I want my children to be confident in who they are and where they came from. People say to me all the time.. ‘Oh, that’s ok, I just want the digitals…I don’t want any prints. <insert me having a slight heart attack over here> or ‘Oh, but you’re a photographer…you’re supposed to print your own pictures’ –> right because that’s what I do, DUH! ……SO, in turn, shouldn’t I be doing that for you too? Right?
‘No one has ever said – Man, I really regret having all these pictures taken’
Clients tell me all the time that they’ve never printed their wedding pictures or any pictures for that matter. And. It absolutely breaks my heart! Honestly, it feels like I have been punched in the gut. It takes my breath away. It kills me to think that if I just hand you a flash drive, after looking at them, you’ll just toss it into a drawer with the rest of them and forget about it. 5, 10 or even 25 years from now, I don’t want you, your children or grandchildren to be holding a disc in your hands that can’t be opened anymore, because the software is obsolete or the files have been corrupted.
Nothing stands the test of time like printed photos.
As a child, I used to love sitting down with my parents wedding album…
So, no, I won’t be giving you ‘just the digitals’ anymore… I just can’t do that to your kids! Our time together isn’t over until I place a beautiful, custom designed, personalized baby album in your hand, along with ‘the digitals’. A beautiful personalized album that I created just for you, filled with the one-of-a kind pictures of your baby. An album. With all the pictures I took for you. So you don’t have to pick and choose just one. All of them, all in one place. A piece of art. A piece of art of the most beautiful subject that you have created.
Prints matter…..
I want to fill your hearts and hands with prints!
Callie is a (Professional Newborn Baby Photographer Sask) who takes her job very seriously. She is super friendly, compassionate and very down to earth. She likes to make her clients feel comfortable like they’re visiting with a good friend during their session. You will always be made to feel taken care of and at home in her little farmhouse studio.
If you love what you see and would love to book a session for your newborn with her, you can contact her here ===> Let’s Chat!
Callie Third Photography is located in Wynyard Saskatchewan. Their property sits on 4 gorgeous acres and they live in the prettiest, cozy farmhouse. Callie is one of Saskatchewan’s top newborn photographers, whose soft, organic and unique style is one of a kind. As a professional specialized newborn photographer, Callie has attended many classes and workshops to perfect her art. She photographs newborns from all over Central Saskatchewan, clients have even traveled as far as Winnipeg MB to have their newborns first professional photos captured by her.